This is Becoming Catholic

If interested in attending classes, please call the Joanne Suwinski at 678-466-1738 or email:

 For RCIA information click here.


Catechesis Corner: What do Catholics mean by “Conversion?”  In our Catholic understanding, conversion is not a one-time event, but rather a spiritual journey centered on deepening our relationship with Jesus through catechesis, prayer, experience in the parish community and commitment to the liturgical and moral life of the Church. In brief, it is a reorientation of the whole life away from sin and towards God. 

How do I get started?
We offer Inquiry Sessions throughout the year. These are informal sessions where you are free to ask any questions you might have about the Catholic Faith. Contact Joanne Suwinski, RCIA Coordinator at 678-466-1738 or

Do I have to make a commitment to become Catholic before I begin the process?
NO, the RCIA journey begins with your desire to learn more about becoming Catholic. You will have a chance to have your questions answered and participate in the faith journey with other inquirers. You can find answers to the frequently asked questions here.

When does the process begin?
Typically, we meet year round on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm.  Exceptions are for holiday breaks and a lighter summer schedule.

What if I’m already a baptized Christian? 
Our RCIA sessions are for those who have never been baptized,  those baptized in another faith tradition, Catholics needing to complete their Sacraments, or anyone wanting to learn more about the Catholic Faith. 

What if I have already been baptized as a Catholic and received my First Communion? 
We have an Adult Confirmation class that meets on Sundays beginning in January for those adults who are practicing Catholics who haven’t received this sacrament.

What is the RCIA Process?
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adult offers a program of faith formation, discipleship and fellowship for adults 18 years and older that will prepare them for full initiation/communion into the Catholic Church. Here’s an outline of the process.

Ready to Start?

Click on the link below to fill out the form ONLINE.

OR, download the form, print and fill out by hand.
(This can be mailed in or dropped off at the Faith Formation offices).

OR need more information?

Still have more questions before starting the process?
Contact us by clicking the button below and someone from RCIA will contact you.
RCIA Co-ordinator: Joanne Suwinski 678-466-1738.