The 2024 - 2025 Faith Formation Registration is OPEN!

Elementary Faith Formation Pre-K - 5th grade presents

Families Forming Disciples

Sessions are scheduled from August through March. 
Choose from Sundays from 8:45-10:15am (English) or
12:00-1:30pm (Spanish) or
Wednesdays from 4:30-6:00pm.

Join our Elementary parish families for Family Forming Disciples.

Watch the video below to learn more!

Families Forming Disciples is a family-focused, thematic-activity approach of faith formation developed by the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Family Faith Formation is a partnership between parents and the parish which empowers the parents to be the primary educators of faith in their family.The Declaration on Christian Education from Vatican II states, “Since parents have given children their life, they are bound by the most serious obligation to educate their offspring and therefore must be recognized as the primary and the principal educators.”

Families will meet in-person two times per month at Holy Trinity to encounter the Lord together and to encourage each other to live as the Domestic Church. These encounters will be facilitated by a leader and volunteers, and will provide an opportunity for the parents to be renewed in the mission of being the first and primary educators of faith for their children. Daily and weekly family prayer commitments are a part of this program.

 “In our continuing catechesis on the family, we reflect today on the connection between the family and the Christian community. The Church is the home of those who believe in Jesus Christ as the source of the unity of the entire human family. Christ chose to enter our history, to become part of a human family, and to form a community which welcomes all who wish to hear his good news of the Father’s love.”

Pope Francis’ statement concerning the link between Parents and Parish.